
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Domesticraft Downsizing Adventure . . .Bring your BIGGEST shopping bag!

My bag.

This is what my bag would look like if I was shopping, which I'm not!  Downsizing, minimizing, simplifying . . . that's what I'm doing!  Today started the downsizing sale to Mr. & Mrs. John Q. Public!

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There is a lot of interest in this lovely old typewriter!  I'll find out tomorrow who gets it.  I've got several more that I'll post some pictures of too!  I think I am going to keep one to mod podge (I saw a super cute one on Pinterest and bring two more of the older electric sweethearts!)
Hold me back!  I've got about 8 vintage typewriters.  Two of them I won't change, ( a mint green Hermès and an aqua beauty.)  The rest are awesome but I think they all deserve a pretty new dress!  Can't wait!
This is what I'm going to do to one of my vintage typewriters.  What do you think of this idea?  Would you?


The above typewriter is SOLD! Tanya of @tm_studio on Instagram
She also walked away with a couple of globes, a quilt, an apron and some other vintage coolness. I think she was pretty happy! 
Two friends came over this past Sunday for some crafting and some shopping!  Julie from .Juliechatscom also brought her daughter Delaney, who is going to be out-crafting all of us before long, lots of talent that girl!  Lori also came over, about time Lori! :)  Both are extremely gifted designers and so much fun to hang out with!  I see lots of crafting after the move as well!  I'm pretty sure they'll be back before I move as well . . . they sure better be!  ;)  Oh, and the lovely flowers and card were a gift from Lori!  Thank you Lori!  Aren't they gorgeous and the card is equally pretty! (my photo does not do the card justice AT ALL!
I have got a boatload of acrylic craft paint going at a sweet bargain!  Tons of different colors!
These are my two oldest grandsons, Muji and Zami, moving a table out to the garage.  My daughter, Aisha, is having to sell all her stuff out of my garage, so I'm letting her borrow a table.  Aren't I nice! :)  She has a boatload too, only her stuff is a bit different than mine.  First she has a whole bunch of vintage clothing for women . . . some really retro lovelies and assorted kitschy knic knacs too!  She also has A LOT of homeschooling stuff for you and your kids and bunches of games and toys too! 
Here's another shot of the beautiful flowers!

I'm not sure what Delaney is looking at in this shot . . . but she sure is sizing something up, don't you think? 
Hmmm. . . I wonder.
I decided I am not parting with my vintage books.  There's so much I still want to do with them with regard to crafting and there are several that I would love to read as well.  I just couldn't do it!
Well, that's it for this post.  I will be posting on Craigslist tomorrow, today kind of got away from me.  Email me at if you would like to come out a take a look.  I'm doing appointments cause it might get a little cray-cray as Amber over at Craftwarehouse likes to say! :)  There is still so much left to choose from, but feel free to email me with any questions.  I'll be checking in often!  Thanks again to all the lovely ladies who have come out in the last couple of weeks.  Enjoy your new goodies!

I did manage to make some split pea with lentil soup, doesn't that sound good on a gloomy day?  I hope it tastes as good as it smells!




  1. Wish I lived nearby so I could come raid your craft room!

  2. Wished you did too! If you did, what is the one thing you would want to get? Or two or three? :)

    1. Probably some storage/organization items. I'm growing my craft collection and it's going to need organizing. I'm loving wood right now. I found a few beauties at the thrift store. Of course I'm sure I'd be tempted by the typewriters and sewing machines as well, but I should probably keep myself to the ones I already own right now. ;) I can just imagine all the little treasures hidden in those photos out of sight too! :) Good luck with your sale!

    2. Thanks, Sarah. Sounds like you've thought it out quite well. We have a similar taste in some good stuff! :)

  3. Oh boy, am I ever glad I don't live close by--for only this reason: I would be too tempted! I do like the wrapped vintage typewriter! xoxo Jane

  4. We could get into some serious trouble together, I think! Thanks for all your support and encouragement on HUGE to tiny adventure . . . it helps! :)
