
Monday, October 13, 2014

Behind The Scenes Of My Business Blog Tag.

Today, I am going to take you on a behind the scenes visit here at Domesticraft!  I know, I'm so excited too! ;)  As you know, things here at Domesticraft have been changing, . . . and so have I. 

So I thought I would take this opportunity to share a bit and give you a peek at me and my biz.  In the comment section, I would LVE your feedback! I'd really like to know what you think and any ideas you may have!  Thanks!

Okay . . . I'm a little nervous,  (there are 15 questions) but I am putting myself out there!  So, let's do this!

I was tagged by the sweet and inspiring Cara Vincens from Cesť la Vie (ours anyway) and The Hooting Pirate along with the fabulously talented Tricia Bertrand from Jewels by Trish with another blog tag from April Bowles of Blacksburg Belle.  April is one of my favorite creative business mentors (and it's a short list in which I must mention Mayi Carles as well.  I followed Mayi long before she hooked up with April as a biz partner, a very good match indeed!)

 Here goes!
Question 1: What’s your two to three sentence bio? (You know, what the heck do you do?)  
(Two or three sentences, me? lol) I am a craft activist, which means I love to share my "craft happy" and spread it in any way I can.  I am in the process of redefining Domesticraft, and by default, redefining myself. So what I want to be when I grow up, is a "Craft Coach". Actually I want to be the cheerleader too! I would like to help and encourage other creatives to find out what works best for them.  Coupled with lots of ooooohs & ahhhhhhhs, sound & doable advice with plentiful tips and tricks that I've learned along the way!  What do you think of that HUGE idea? Be gently brutal with me, I'd love to hear your ideas on my BIG PLAN!  I will continue to make stuff (of course) and teach individuals & small workshops. (gotta)  I'm planning to do some online workshops too! EEK!  I'm truly going to be going all out, cause you know what?  If not now . . . when?!  And lastly, I'll have a little online shop where I'll sell some of my favorite crafty creations. (See Question #5)

Question 2: What’s your favorite part of your job?   That would be hands down,the different people I get to meet both off and online and all the new friends that I've made!  I get such a high . . . crafting and chatting and teaching and learning. I can't imagine doing anything else, ever!

Question 3: What’s your least favorite part of your job? 
Truth, I can't think of a least favorite part!  I love the opportunity to learn new things all the time.  Well, maybe it's when I have to quit doing my creative work cause I'm forced to clean the bathroom or do laundry.  Blecch! Yep, that's it for sure! I wish I had some wind up cuties like these that would do my bidding!  Yes, I would like to have some minions. Please and thank you :)

Question 4: What are the top three tools you use the most in your work?  I would say my Samsung Galaxy5 cell phone is on the list for keeps! FOREVER!  I just got my first smartphone about 4 months ago and don't know what I would do without it now!  I still suck at texting so I got a little keyboard to go with it . . . now I am a speed maniac!  I also LOVE the quality of the photos it takes.  I have to give 90 percent of the credit of my photos to my cell! :) Plus with all the amazing apps for photography with two of my favorite being Rhonna Designs and A Beautiful Mess. ♡  Another fave go-to are my sewing machines, vintage of course with one of them being my Mom's  Singer Slant 401 from the 60's.  I LOVE using it, makes me so happy! And, lastly, it is a 3 way tie between washi tape, a tiny attacher (the most awesome stapler in the world!) and scissors, all of them. 

Question 5: What business goal would you love to reach before the end of the year?   The business goal that I am going to work my banoonies off to reach by year end is a complete overhaul and relaunch of Domesticraft!  I am so excited for this opportunity and I so hope you guys will hang out and be my beta testers.  Let me know the how I'm doing, the good and not so good . . . you know, keep me from getting to big for my britches. ;) (see question #1)

Question 6: Who are three creatives that inspire you?

Michele Wooderson of Mish Mash - I've admired Michelle's work for years and can always count on her for inspiration.  She is super talented, shoots lovely photographs and just seems like such a nice person!  She also takes gorgeous photos, oh did mention that already?!  I Love her work! 

Cori McCabe of Trail and Compass - Cori has a unique style and a wonderful business!  She is a full-time adventurer, an awesome creative, a parks advocate, and a cat lady on an eternal roadtrip across the USA with her hubs.  I actually met her through a course we both took on and I started following her on Instagram.  Her blog and Instagram feed are full of the most incredible photography of US National Parks and so many other beautiful shots.  She's got "the eye".  Cori and I are working on a collaboration that I'll soon share with you.  You are going to LOVE it!

Carol Houser of The Jewel Lady - Carol is AMAZING and not just cause she's my sister! ;)  I plan to go visit her for a month on October 25th and I am over the moon excited!  She's just the break I need from all my downsizing work and she is my other half when it comes to anything crafty.  It's like I'm going to Brainstorm Craft Camp!  Oh, and she just happens to create stunning custom hand-crafted jewelry using silver and gold, with Swarovski crystals and Cat’s Eye beads.  Check out her Etsy shop, you'll totally want to buy something! ;)

Question 7: What do you listen to (if anything) while you work?   Mostly, I listen to workshops, (I am a learning addict!) or creative and marketing podcasts or YouTube craft tutorials as well as some inspiring Islamic lectures, which help me with my positive attitude. :)

Question 8: Morning person or night owl?   Both.  Some days I'm up early and some days I go to bed super late, it depends.  But you know I think I would like to have more of a regular schedule, a routine.  I think that's exactly what I need.  

Question 9: How many employees do you have and what are the main things they do for you?   I am my own best boss and my own worst employee at times.  My husband, David is my chief benefactor and biggest supporter!  Although his eyes start to wander and he looks for the nearest escape route, when I have exceeded the 42 seconds of the attention span that he can devote to "craft talk", he truly has my back with every crafty step I make, always has.  He is such a keeper!

Question 10: What’s your favorite social media platform?  It's another tie! Pinterest, for it's amazing visual "me in a craft store" appeal.  Instagram, again for the awesome visual yumminess, but with more people engagement.  Facebook is brilliant for really getting to meet and connect with such an amazing global audience.  All of these platforms blow me away with the potential that I've not even begun to tap!  Oh yeah, look out YouTube in 2015! :)
Question 11: What’s your least favorite social media platform? That would be Twitter!  Mostly due to ignorance, but I figure that is for the best cause I really don't think I could manage another platform.  I'm quite content with what I've got on my plate now, thank you though.

Question 12: What works best when it comes to marketing your business?  Word of mouth, whether it's online or off.  Talking up my business has become a habit now and hopefully not in an annoying way.  Putting myself out in the public has not always been easy, but now it's a piece of cake . . . mostly.  I love meeting new people and listening to their ideas and thoughts and sharing mine.  It is so flippen fun! Just keep your business fresh and appealing and be consistent. If you mess up, NO BIGGIE!  Learn from it and keep going.  Enjoy it!

Question 13: What’s one thing about your business that your blog readers probably don’t know? That I couldn't do it without them, yes . . . I mean YOU! You keep me grounded and boost my creativity ten fold! And if I haven't told you lately, THANK YOU! 

Question 14: If your business were a fashion accessory, what would it be?   I would be a doily.  Yep, a doily.  The fashion would be a world wide apron comeback and my business would be an old-fashioned style apron with big roomy pockets and lovely accents of vintage doilies, buttons, seam binding and lace.  Here's an exclusive!  I'm only telling you. . . I am designing just such one of a kind aprons and plan to launch this limited edition collection in the spring of 2015, In sha Allah. Shhhhhhhh :)

Question 15: What’s your top tip for someone who wants to do something similar to you for a career?  Below is my top tip.  Be you.  Be the best you that you can be!  Don't be a Negative Nelly to yourself.  Don't sweat what other people are thinking about you, because you know what?  They are not thinking about you!  They are sweating their own stuff!  If someones says something that bothers you and makes you mad or upset or unproductive, blah, blah, blah, realize it's not them that makes you feel like that, it's how YOU choose to react to it!  You are in charge of how you feel! You make your own happy.  I guess I'm trying to say, GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY! Now, go set the world on fire, girl!!

Okay, so now it's my turn to tag!  These creative bloggers are tops in my book!  I would encourage you all take a peek at their blogs and let them know I sent you!  I heart them all to pieces! :)

Julie of
Dana of       Dapoppins
Jenny of     Hi Jenny Brown!

No problem if you can't participate, but if you do (yes, please) let me know in the comments, okay? You can use the post title Behind the Scenes of My Business Blog Tag and the hashtag #MyBizBlogTag so we can all find your post.

Here are the questions that you can copy and paste:

Question 1: What’s your two to three sentence bio? (You know, what the heck do you do?)
Question 2: What’s your favorite part of your job?
Question 3: What’s your least favorite part of your job?
Question 4: What are the top three tools you use the most in your work?
Question 5: What business goal would you love to reach before the end of the year?
Question 6: Who are three creatives that inspire you?
Question 7: What do you listen to (if anything) while you work?
Question 8: Morning person or night owl?
Question 9: How many employees do you have and what are the main things they do for you?
Question 10: What’s your favorite social media platform?
Question 11: What’s your least favorite social media platform?
Question 12: What works best when it comes to marketing your business?
Question 13: What’s one thing about your business that your blog readers probably don’t know?
Question 14: If your business were a fashion accessory, what would it be?
Question 15: What’s your top tip for someone who wants to do something similar to you for a career?

This blog post is a part of the ‘Behind the Scenes of My Business’ Blog Tag started by April of Blacksburg Belle. She began this blog tag experiment to build community among creatives, help us bloggers to connect more and get to know each other better. This month’s topic is all about sharing the behind the scenes stuff of our businesses. If you’d like to participate or want more info, check out this posright here.

Thank you for taking the time to read this rather lengthy post! I hope to hear from you in the comments and Instagram and Facebook and Pinterest too! 



  1. BRAVO to you Nancy and best wishes on your new adventures. I enjoy following you, I find you enlightening and your words of wisdom compel me to get in gear with my own little peice of this creative world we share. Thank you!

    1. Thank you, Vicki! I'm so glad I'm of some encouragement to you! I love that the Internet makes the world smaller and allows us all to share so easily! Bravo right back at you! :)

  2. I truly enjoyed this post! Thank you for allowing me to have a peek into your thoughts! I cannot wait to see what you have in store with Domesticraft!

    1. Why, thanks! I so appreciate your encouraging comments! I look forward to chatting with you more! :)

  3. Oh Nancy, thank you so much for your kind words. I'm so flattered! It sounds like you have some big plans for the future, can't wait to see what you have in store. I especially can't wait to see these aprons!

    1. You are so welcome, Cori! I'm really having so much fun designing the aprons! I've been fooling around with this idea for ages, I think it's full time I moved on it! ♡

  4. I loved everything you shared, Nancy. You are an inspiration, truly. Can't wait to see those lovely aprons!

    1. Hi, Lorraine,

      I am just now seeing this comment! It was in the spam folder, which I have never checked before! Imagine what a treat was for me to see it so long after the post! It was so sweet!

      Thank you for your lovely words! I'll be checking in with you for inspiration as I get a little closer to having to complete the designs and make them!

      Craft Happy!


  5. One word - amazing!!! I love the direction you are taking Donesticraft! I can't wait to see some YouTube videos and more from Instagram! I love that you are not afraid to be you, the amazing you that you are! Bravo! And I accept the challenge, stay tuned!!! ❤️

    1. Yes, Brandy! I love your enthusiasm! Your sweet words are so inspiring to me! I am going to be looking for your challenge post soon. I can hardly wait! ♡

  6. Awesome post, Nancy! Your big idea makes perfect sense to me - you have the right knowledge, attitude, network, creativity - it's a slam dunk. I'm so excited for you! Oh, and I cannot handle that you're collaborating with Trail & Compass - love her style! I'm jealous of both of you.
    I'm also really jazzed for that secret project you mentioned - sounds so pretty & crochety (totally a word).
    Ok, I'll quit gushing and start thinking of my answers...thanks for tagging me and another cheer of good luck on your new direction!

    1. Hi, Jenny Brown! Your gushing comment is how I want to be awakened every morning! Talk about craft coach cheerleading . . . that's a part of what I was talking about! You nailed it! Thanks! Oh, and Jenny, I would love to do a collaborative project with you . . . you read my mind! I'll shoot you an email this week, with what I've been thinking about! Eek, I am even more excited now! Now get on that chsllenge! Can't wait to see it! :)

  7. Love, love, love it! Can't wait to see where this journey takes you and this new apron creation. :)

    Also, if you discover the minions please send one or two over to my house. ;)

    1. Thank you, thank you, thank you Sarah! I know you like a good adventure too! ♡ As soon as I find a minion, I'll dress it in a Domesticraft original and shoot him over to you! :)

  8. Loved reading this post!! I've got quite the stash of antique sewing machines too! My grandparents used to own and operate a clothing factory :) Good luck with your creative craft coaching!! I think you'll be great at it!! And really, admitting you want to move in a new direction is a huge step towards achieving your goal! P.S. Can't wait to see your aprons!

  9. I'm so glad you enjoyed my post, Marie! Thanks for all of your positive encouragement and optimism for my success, it counts! ♡ What's your favorite go-to sewing machine? How about I design an apron called " Moody Blues"? :)

  10. Oh, I just wrote a beautiful comment and I think google ate it. That was not very nice, bad google! I loved your post and I love that your going to be a craft coach. I can't imagine anyone better suited for the job! Thanks for tagging me...I will let you know when I post!

    1. Your comment is totally beautiful, as is! I'm so glad you think Craft Coaching is a good fit for me. ♡ I am really looking forward to planning launching this new phase of Domesticraft! Thank you, Dana & thanks for participating in the challenge! I know it's going to be a doozy! :)

  11. Google ate my post too! Bad Google! Nancy I love your post. And when you talk up your business there is so much encouragement for others and lifting up of others I never feel it being all about you. Looking forward to seeing what is around the corner with Domesticraft.

  12. Awwwww, Patty, you are a super good encourager in your own right and are a true source of inspiration for me! :) Thanks, Patty, for being an awesome sounding board! ♡

  13. This is so great, and since I'm just up in Seattle I would love to meet you sometime! My fav part of the interview is the pic of your darling husband at the grill - love it! I have a darling husband too and we're sad that grilling season has come to an end :-)

  14. Yes, Ann! I would love to meet you as well! The hubs was making Jamaican jerk chicken, and man, mmmmmm, it was DELISH! We made sure to bring the bbq on our move! And if the weather is dry, we'll still be bbq'ing. I can't last a whole winter without some jerk chicken! Thanks for popping in, Ann! :)

  15. I just love reading your posts!! It's like sitting down with a best friend!!! Keep sharing your light baby. It's awesome!

  16. Trish, you are a jewel! ♡ I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I am going to keep on sharing for sure! Thanks, girlfriend! : )

  17. :) That was a lengthy, laughable, lovable post and I loved every word and pic of it! I hope and pray that your dream to become a craft coach becomes a reality because need someone like you on my team. Haha!
    P.S. I am looking forward to rocking one of your aprons inshallah :)

  18. Masha'Allah, lengthy indeed! ♡ Sometimes, I just can't seem to cut it short it short! ;) Thanks for stopping by and I can't wait to see you in the "Royal She", designer apron!

  19. AWESOME Nancy! I loved reading everything and can just hear you telling me all that just like I was sitting right across from you crafting! I consider myself tagged & promise it's been added to my To-Do List! I MUST talk to you soon about all my exciting creative news! But for now, back to transcription...doing it at night now...daytime hours are getting more and more creative with the new job! I also have some upcoming deadline with the CW Design Team and a few CHA projects to work on....YEP! My One Little Word THRIVE is coming alive! And my Metamorphosis is going on even more wildly than I imagined! :) LOVE YOU!!

    1. Julie, I am over the moon excited for you! You've made such strides since we met back in May! Such HUGE and positive changes, you are thriving for real! I'm thrilled to have been a part of so much of your Metamorphosis! ♡ Lover you too!

  20. Awesome post, you are already a craft coach, you are so inspiring sister and supportive of us all. I love your spirit, and I can always feel you happiness in your words when you speak of crafting. Thanks for being such an inspiration.

    1. Shukran, Sis! Your sweet and encouraging words mean so, so much to me! You guys are so loving and supportive and truly put the happy in my "craft happy"! Kalimah, YOU are a breath of inspiration fresh air to me! ♡

  21. Beautiful, Nancy! I know that you can do whatever you set your mind to. Love the part about your dear husband David. I've seen that glassy look in my husband's eyes MANY times, but it is awesome that they are good sports. XO!

  22. *blush* It sure helps to have such inspirational and kickbutt friends like you in the the wings! David says " YES! See, it's not just me!" (As if we don't all know that.) ; )

  23. Ditto-ing all the raves and cries of awesomeness, you sweet little doily!

    1. I love that! I love being called a sweet little doily! I OWN THAT! Wait . . . a sweet little doily wouldn't yell like that would she?? :) Thanks for popping in all the way from Morocco!

      Nancy aka Sweet Little Doily
