
Friday, January 2, 2015

Domesticraft Loves . . . Saturday Shout-Out!

New Saturday Feature! 

Welcome, FriendI'd like to introduce you to another special friend of mine.  Her name is Cara Vincens, and she's a Canadian who lives in Luxembourg and you are going to love her too!  [I gotta stop right here and clap for the internet! :)  It is so cool to have friends from around the world, including my own home state of Oregon!  It blows my mind!  One of my projects on my ginormous DIY LIST is to put washi tape pins in my globe lamp that I made last summer.  So far I've got Portland, Oregon ;)]  

Okay, Cara, back to you now.  I am going to put up random photos of her work to entice you to go check out her blog and shop for yourself. ♥ There are quite a few.  Her paper creations make me swoon and her home and studio are just filled with color and joy!  She totally gets my addictions.  She had me at buntings. ♥

I might be her biggest fan, close family not withstanding. :) This is her biography from her blog,  Cest' la vie (ours anyway)

And yes, she has 6 kids!  Seems I know a lot of women with six kids, including my youngest daughter, Aisha! ♥ They are all adorable!  

How over-the-top CUTE is this photo?  She is a scrappin' genius!!

 My Photo  Biography  (now you can connect her top & bottom halves!)

Hi, I’m Cara, I’m a Canucklehead (Nova Scotia) living in Luxembourg with my tall, dark and hot hubby. He’s French and the reason I came here in the first place. Wouldn’t we all do anything for love? ;) Though, it’s not like he had to twist my rubber arm to come to this fairy tale land, we love Luxie! We have 6 children… nope, not a typo! And only one of those is a girl :D As you can imagine, she’s a spitfire.
Above is a photo of said "arm twister".  Apparently Cara likes to be "twisted"  A LOT!  Just sayin'

As far as crafting goes, I’m a mixed media artist and I do a lot of paper crafts but I absolutely love scrapbooking. I love every single moment of the process, from the stories (oh, how I love to tell a good story!) and the photos, to the design, techniques and product (who can resist all those gorgeous products!). I love bright, happy colours, lots of white and lots of white space and lots of layers and clusters!

My first love was sewing, and I can usually incorporate it into my scrapbooks. Sometimes however, my cheating heart strays… it’s usually as Carnaval approaches and all those fabulous costumes are tempting me. I get that itch to sew on fabric (gasp!)… and I cheat on Scrapbooking, but she always takes me back ;) 

25 things I love about scrapbooking

1. It’s 72 hobbies rolled into one.
2. I love to tell a good story.
3. Photograhpy. I love taking photos, especially of my children.
4. A photo can tells a good story.
5. I love matching photos from different times to… wait for it… tell a good story ;)
6. The artsy process. I love when my hands are covered in ink or paint.
7. Paper! Be it a crisp sheet of white card stock or a gorgeous patterned paper, it’s all good!
8. pretty patterns.
9. It’s my creative outlet.

10. Stickers. The little girl who used to drool over the rolls of Sandylion stickers is still inside of me :D
11. The online scrapbooking community.  (She means me)
12. I’m leaving a legacy for my children, if they want it.
13. Washi tape. ‘nough said! (i say nuff  . . potatoes, potatoes)

14. There are no limits. You can do anything, put anything on a page, tell any story!
15. Office supplies make me giddy!
16. it’s an excuse to be a pack rat.
17. The tools are pink!
18. I love handwriting.

She hand writes her blog posts. With a pen. And paper.  By hand.  With six kids.  WTBF?!

19. It’s an excuse to take a selfie. ‘It’s for an All ABOUT ME page!
21. pretty, shiny, happy coloured brads.
22. Shopping!!!
23. Getting lost in an online layout gallery, then running to my studio, my brain over flowing with inspiration. (See, she so gets me!)
24. Getting the design of a page just right.

25. Sharing a page and getting awesome feedback, whether that’s online or from my chicklets.  (Remember to comment, we love to hear from you!)

Other LOVES:
chocolate, but only the good Belgian stuff, I'm a chocolate snob!
being giddy
Harry Potter, Star Wars, Doctor Who
stuff for boys
C'est la Vie (ours anyway)

What a cutie-pie-kitty, huh?  Look at Cedric here and then look at her bio photo, I'll wait.  She cloned him.  Again, just sayin'.

SEE?!  Is it no wonder I adore her?  She makes me:


Here's  my last photo for the post.  Make sure you you go give her some love.  You know why, aside from the fact that she's sweet and cute and talented and nice and gets me? ;)  But because she just wrote this blog post (see photo below) and says she's a planner and a dreamer and I think that's awesome!  But she thinks she falls short in the doing part.  Puh-lease!  Anytime you feel like that, let me know.  I'll straighten you out!  Give yourself some credit, a pat on the back and appreciate all that you DO!  Every day.  So stop whatever it is that makes you think you aren't a "doer"  I'm exhausted from reading and writing about all the not doing you do!!!

Can't wait to see want is in store for 2015 for you, Cara . . . you big ol' DOER, you!!

Go tell her what you think, peeps!  You'll find her at The Hooting Pirate, her Etsy shop, her blog, and her website, The Hooting Pirate.

Leave me a comment here too and lets give her a big, freakin' huge SHOUT-OUT!!  Let me know too, where you are living and I will make a special washi tape flag and stick you in my lamp of world wide friends!




  1. awww, you guys (ok gals) are too cute. I love the style of these layouts!! I also love to craft. You gals are so creative!! Keep it up, love what you're doin'!

    1. thanks Dawn!
      You're work is beautiful, I'd love to see some of your crafts.
      It's too bad we aren't all closer we could do a girls's craft night

  2. Thanks, Vivayne!

    We are like 2 peas in a pod when it comes to papercrafts. At least I've not seen anything Cara does that I don't love! ♡

    I've seen your photos on Instagram, and yeah, Id say you love to craft. Your illustrations are beautiful! ♡

    Thanks for stopping by, fellow crafter! :)



  3. This is so lovely! And... I got inspired and bought my first roll of washi tape!

    I can totally relate to Cara being inspired by Carnavale. I go to Venice most years to celebrate, and it was one of the reasons I a) became a costumier and b) wanted to travel. I lived near Venice for a while and made costumes there. Carnavale is my favourite time of year, and I would love to see how it's celebrated in other countries too :)

    Nancy, I'm live Bath, UK (very beautiful) but I'm from New Zealand (even more beautiful), so please do add me to your list of international friends :)

    xx V

    1. Hi, V!

      Very interesting stuff about Carnaval, you and Cara need to link up over a cup of tea! You could meet in France maybe? I just love saying that! ♡

      I'm so pleased to welcome you to the land of washi tape! I will be thrilled to make you a washi tape flag to put on my international friends globe lamp! Very cool! ♡



    2. Thanks Virginia!
      Yay for Washi tape!!
      I would really miss Halloween over here if it wasn't for Carnaval. I started making costumes for myself when I was 12 :D LOVE love love costumes!

  4. Showing some love from Texas. This post makes me want to reignite my love of scrapbooking. The pages are cute and fun. I may just have to buy a role of washi tape.

    1. Yay for Washi tape!!
      Oooooo how I would love for you to scrapbook again!!
      Here's the addy of the No Scrapbook Police blog series :D

    2. Thanks, Cara, for giving Kelly the link. I was working on my phone and couldn't quite fiqure to link easily and got lazy. You are so on top of it!! ♡ I sure hope Kelly gets back into scrapping cause I think she would be a lot of fun to hear from! :)



  5. Kelly!

    Oh, please come back to your true love of scrapbooking and pick up a six pack of washi tape to celebrate!

    That's how me and Cara roll! It's about fun and enjoying it! Cara and I did a blog tour called "no scrapbooking police"! Look in August archives and it's also over on her blog, along with 12 other bloggers. It was awesome and so flippin' fun!

    So stay tuned! Cara and I have some fun things planned for the end of the month. I'll give you a small hint about what's coming up! WASHI TAPE! ♡



  6. Dear Sweet Nancy! Thank you so much for making me look so good and for making me feel like a million bucks! I really hope that you continue your Saturday shout out so that other ladies (and gents?) can feel this way too :D

    1. Hi, Cara!

      That's certainly my plan, In sha Allah! (God willing) I really had so much fun doing this post . . . it was almost like getting to have a girl's craft day with you! Keep up the good work and remember, You are a DOER!! ♡



  7. Aww, that is so wonderful! You guys... <3
    You know I am big fans of you both! Love this new feature, "Shout-Out Saturday"! wonderful way to share, Nancy!
    And Cara, I am in LOVE with the fox and bunting with Cedric's name!! Adorable!!

    1. Hey, Richelle!

      We are "fanning" you back BIG TIME! This feature is going to be such fun!

      I am totally in love with the fox and bunting art as well. I went down such a HUGE rabbit hole with Cara's blog! Man, it such a fine line between play and work sometimes, ya know? That's pretty awesome, huh?



    2. Thanks Richelle! That fox was the invite for Cedric's baptism :D

  8. CARA!!! & NANCY!!! Fab shout out! Luved it all! Awesome story, awesome pics, awesome writing! And Nancy, place a wash flag on Louisiana please, in pink. :)

    1. TRISH!!!

      Thanks so much!!! You are AWESOME! I LUV your enthusiasm girlfriend!!

      And, Trisha, consider that Washi tape flag poked right into Louisiana, in nothing by PINK!! I think you're FAB!


