
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Memory Planner Challenge with the #MemoryPlannerPals Domesticraft ♡ Callaloo Soup ♡ The Hooting Pirate




and me . . .

Hi!  Today I'm getting together with an old friend and former challenge partner, Cara (planner challenge/cute showdown back in February . . . see below photo) and my new friend, Francine.  We are doing a 3 part series on Memory Planners.

I suggested this collaboration to both of these super creative ladies mainly because they both bring out the best in me . . . both creatively and with their warm & helpful spirits, their positive vibes and their lovely sense of humor.  You are going to adore them too! ♡

I am going to give you just a brief idea of what a memory planner is, because I know both Cara and Francine will know way more about it than I do.  They eat, breathe and sleep this stuff!  I just want to make one and take lots of pretty photos along the way!  And you know how I love a good challege!  The hubs would say I'm just a wee bit competitive!  (He's right)  So, I am ready for another "CUTE-OFF"! 

A Memory Planner is . . . well, it's a . . . ummmmm, it's like a . . . sheesh!  I had no idea this would be so hard for me to explain!  Here's my take on it because that's exactly what I think it is:  YOUR TAKE ON IT!  Your way of doing it, or not!  I am not a very good rule follower and kind of like to do things my way (see this post on another blog series I did with Cara, (this is our third collaboration!) called No Scrapbooking Police * Busted for fraud!

I did my research and this is my conclusion and it may be totally different from Francine's and Cara's vision.  And given they are a lot more scrapbook savvy than I am, I am super curious to see their ideas!! Oh, this is getting exciting already!!

The photo below is to show Cara and Francine, that I am not in the least bit worried about a showdown and being able to bring my stuff to the table! This is me plating up dinner when I've got guests coming over!  Let's see what you can cook up Cara!  Yeah, and what about you Francine? Bring it on over, my friends . . . I've got my apron on!!  (This is scrappy smack talk, in case you couldn't tell)

My Memory Planner is going to be MY final be-all-end-all of all the planners, scrappy stuff, ideas and other things that I've been creating, curating and checking out for the last 9 months or so.  Time for this baby to be born!!

So I'm going to put it to my #MemoryPlannerPals (I am talking to you Cara and Francine) that today will be our introduction to what we're up to and then next Wednesday (June 17th) we will give our readers a preview of how our Memory Planners are shaping up and then the last Wednesday (June 24th) we will have the SHOWDOWN!  

I am even thinking further, that we could have a giveaway on showdown day to show our appreciation to you all for helping us share our blogger challenge #MemoryPlannerPals on Instagram and Facebook and Twitter and Pinterest, and and/or all of your favorite social media platforms.   Follow us too, if you'd like . . . we'd love it! 

So, be sure to check out Francine's post over at and Cara's post over at

Does anybody else do Memory Planners?  I would like to hear your take on it too!  Let me know in the comments below.  I would love to incorporate any good  ideas into my final memory planner "baby"!



  1. I've never made/used a memory planner, but I do make lots of lists!

    1. Hi, Shauna!

      This sounds like it should be perfect for you!! ♡


  2. Replies
    1. Hello sweet fried!

      Right back atcha! I can't wait to see what you've got in store for Wednesday!! :)


  3. Okay then! Challenge accepted! Oh wait.... it's not like I have a choice right? :)

    So um, can I get that chicken recipe? lol

    Can't wait to see what you're cooking up girl!

    1. Hey, Francine!

      That's right, girl . . . game on!! I forget what kind of chicken that was, as the photo was taken last year. So I am going to say it was jerk chicken and you know how to make that, I'm sure!!


  4. Though I'm not new to scrapbooking, I got sucked into the memory planner craze...and it sits on my shelf. Right now it feels like one more thing to do. I would like to document something with it. Looking forward to your challenge.

    1. Hi, Dawn!

      I sure hope one of us will be a big, fat inspiration to you! The whole thing to me is to just have fun! Don't make it a chore, something you dread . . . enjoy it!! :)

