
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Domesticraft + You = Accountabilibuddies

The term is a blending of “accountability” and “buddy”.
A person who assists another in keeping them responsible for their actions and to prevent them from doing certain things.
  An accountabilibuddy is one who keeps another accountable in their actions. The relationship is usually mutual, in that the two (or more ie: buddies ) people are accountability partners for each other.   Further, such a relationship requires that the people be close, like us. :o)  Thus, the more informal term “accountabilibuddy” is more suitable to convey the close friendship in addition to the aspect of accountability.
My sister, Carol, is my business and life accountabilibuddy.  So is my husband, my daughters and my friends.  (shhhh . . . some of them don't even know it!)

I am now making you my official online accountabilibuddy.  Woot!

Welcome to the club!

I am writing to you on my blog so that you will hold me accountable, because I am a huge Procraftinator!  I am not exactly sure if this is a true word like accountabilibuddy, however it suits me to a tee.  I get sidetracked numerous times a day, I mean really a lot!  I got sidetracked writing this post, a lot!  I know that it is the curse of the creative or the multi-passionate, as my sister likes to be thought of as.  Ain't that right, Sis?
It really is a pretty awesome way to be and I feel super blessed, BUT I need to stay focused with the task at hand.  2015 and all that stuff is coming at me like a rocket and there's me, getting all distracted by the paper airplane flitting by. 
(One last sister reference.  She would say, SQUIRREL" every time she caught me straying.  She said it A LOT, hence this blog post)

So, this is what I need help with today.  My elevator pitch.  My "What the heck am I?"  This was SO hard for me to nail down.  I think I've got it now, though.  Keep it simple, right?  This is how is plays out in the proverbial elevator. 

The pitch:

Hi, I’m an inquisitive stranger.  My name is Need To Know.  What do you do?

Hi, Inq.  My name is Nancy,  I'm a creative . . .  

Uhhhh . . . What does that mean, Nancy? (Inq. butted in before I finished)

 . . . I design, make, photograph, share, teach and sell cute stuff.

Is that good enough?  It at least starts a conversation and gets me in my comfort zone where I could talk for hours, like if they wanted me to do the Martha Stewart Show or a CreativeLive .com course.  Hmmm . . .  

This post ties in with the one on my re-launch last week, in case ya missed it!  No more hiding out for me, right accountabilibuddy?

Oh, man!  I almost forgot to announce the prize winner!  

The winner is:

Kelly Kennard
All prizes will be mailed out the first week of December.  Thanks everybody for playing!  I'm going to have more contests during the launch of the NEW Domesticraft in 2015!  Stay tuned!

Craft Happy!





  1. Wow....way to keep your Sis on her toes! I love the accountability message and queries in this blog and how the graphics always tell your story too :) Although I personally still go down the "Squirrel" path far to often....I've gotten SO much more done since we "officially" partnered up! Not only has it helped me to have you as my "accountabilibuddy" in regards to fresh ideas, completing projects and timelines, but this creative biz journey has been SO much more FUN!! You're like this little Creative "Accountabilibuddy" Angel watching over me. <3

    1. Hey, Sis!

      Better get your ballet slippers out then, huh? You're going to be on your toes A LOT! I mean serious, look at the comments below! I have opened up a big ol' can of accountability whoop-A** on myself! Yikes!

      But now it's the next morning and I am raring to go! So, shall we get this party started? My friend Jenny from has been talking about pompoms . . . I am throwing a handful in the air to officially start the party! Woot!

      Craft Happy!


  2. I know I can't win everything, but man, I wanted to win again!!!
    Now, gettin all critical and stuff - if you needed to shorten your answer you could cut the word "share." I know that sharing is your goal and kinda who you are, but that's just it - You will "SHARE" because that is who you are and the very nature of what you do - So, if you wanted to make your answer shorter, you could cut the word share, one visit at your blog and they are gonna know that you are a SHARE-er! Also - really, if you needed to go shorter for business cards or something you could choose either word - Design, Make- and just use one. Design is a stronger word and more professional, if you wanted to go with Maker - that is the same thing only more crafty and popular and stuff- I love them together, but ... they say essentially the same thing just in a different way. Does that make sense? Is that okay I'm saying this? I think you could go with I Design, Photograph, Teach and Sell Cute Stuff - UNLESS- people are going to pay you to SHARE- then maybe you will want to keep it-
    Now, per all my writing critiques, (now and in the future) you can just totally delete this comment and burn it and then stomp on the ashes if you want and I promise this Acountabilibuddy will not be upset in any way.

    1. Hi, Dana! You can't win 'em all, so they say. Whatevs, right? ;)

      I found your critique very insightful and helpful, no burning or stomping required! You make an awesome accountabilibuddy!

      If you notice the comment below, I was given some homework, which I completed. This lady is an awesome writer and I kinda just want to keep her as my own little super power writing helper secret, but that wouldn't be fair. And since YOU just told the whole world I am such a "sharer", I guess I have no choice! ;) Her name is Kris, and her website is and her blog is Keyboards and Kickstands at /keyboardsandkickstands/ You're going to love her, Dana. Yes, you may buy me coffee as a thank you. :)

      Now, having done the homework and feeling pretty good about my cuteness level, my biz cards are going to say: Maker * Photographer * Instructor instead of Maker * Teacher * Craft Coach, so I won't have much to change. (There is a photo on my facebook cover of my old card)

      So thanks again, for your input! Super appreciated!

      Craft Happy!


  3. I love your accountabilibuddy robots :)

    Ok - writing coach is in da houuuuuse!

    I usually make my talking logo or elevator pitch students answer three questions (with only one verb apiece):
    Who do you help?
    What's their problem?
    What do they get from you?
    Plus a bonus: Why do you love it?

    So, it would play out like this: I help _______ who ______ to get/find/achieve (insert appropriate verb here) ______________, because ___________.

    Mine is "I help women who struggle with expressing their stories to find their Voice and share it confidently, because I believe women need to start embracing the legitimacy of their voices and STOP telling themselves to be quiet."
    …more or less ;)

    The exact way I say it changes depending on who I talk to, but those key pieces are always in there to some degree.

    So yeah - answer those! It makes it a little bit more clear when those elements are in there, AND if you are really clear about who you help and why, it won't matter what product you are talking about, because you'll have a unified brand.

    Ok - off I go! Now that I've gone and teachered you, I'll go hush ;)


    1. Okay, Kris, I did it!

      My take on it:

      I make cute stuff and I encourage all women, including those who doubt their creativity to recognize their own distinct vision and open up the "craft-happy" inside of themselves, because I believe crafting should be a rewarding and fun-filled adventure!

      I hope it's okay, cause I think I'll throw up and totally toss all of my craft-happy cookies in the toilet if I have to see this or say this again, ever! At least for tonight.

      Thanks Kris, you make a hecka good accountabilibuddy! Do I get a higher grade for turning in my homework early? Trust me, that never happens! ;)

  4. I'm seconding what K said because she always says it wonderfully and I also wanted to say that I'm with you on getting easily dis- SQUIRREL!

    1. Sarah,

      I am so glad I got that homework from Kris DONE! She is such an eloquent writer and a super motivator! I told her I would have it done this weekend and she gave me till Monday morning.

      My usual MO would be to take all the time allotted me on this type of "unpleasant" task and I say unpleasant cause it is actual "work" to me, whereas anything "crafty" is not, ya know? And on the weekends the squirrels come out in force! I realized this was important though and that putting it off would not serve me at all. So tah and dah, I did it!

      I hope I get an A! I hope, I hope, I hope . . . ;)

      Craft Happy!


  5. Haha, from one procraftinator to another, love the reference! The rabbit hole calls to me often too. I like what Dana and Kris both said. Let us know if you tweak it so we can do our accountabilibuddy duties! ��

    1. Hey, Trish!

      What? You? A procraftinator? I can't believe, and the rabbit hole too? I fear it is all to common. ;)

      I did my assignment and tweaked it A LOT! Whew, that was some work! I am so happy it's done and now it's back to you Accountabilibuddy! Thanks in advance!

      Craft Happy!


  6. Hi I would just like to add that there is a difference between a designer and a maker, many designers do not construct their designs - so I would say that if it is your design and you make it yourself then you would use both to let people know that. I also really like the way you have added your illustrations in your post. I hear you when it comes to how hard it is to describe what you do-Ann Rea is giving a workshop on Creative Live starting December 2 on your purpose- looks like it will be good.

    1. Hi, Marilyn!

      Thanks for stopping by! My hubs so agrees with you about the designer/maker thing. He says it's like an architect and a builder. Sometimes it's like potatoes or potahtoes with me though. I'm a crafter . . . I kinda do both, most of the time.

      Thanks for the compliment on my illustrations, that was a big, fat ego boost! :)

      I'll think about watching Ann Rea on CL, but I probably won't. I think I've done all I want to do with that purpose business. Let me know if I'm wrong though. However, with my relaunch coming up in about a month, I seriously don't have any time to feed my Creative Live fix, unless it's to listen to April more, which I fully intend to do!

      So are we Accountabilibuddies? What do you have going on? Need anything?

      Craft Happy!


  7. I like this Nancy! I will be your accountabilibuddy too! I hear you about choking on my elevator pitch. I noticed the other day when a guy asked me what my blog was about, I totally choked. It is one thing to tell other creative women that it a blog to empower women and girls to own their awesome, and quiet another to explain it to a serious, scientist, man...I have to work on that! xoxo, Jen

    1. Hi Jen, Thanks! I would love you to be my accountabilibuddy! I've kind of always considered you one of the originals anyway. ;) Once ya get it, it feels so good!

      Craft Happy!


  8. Love it! Please Nancy - will you be my accountabilibuddy?!?!?! :)

    1. Well, of course I will, Brandy! We need to put our heads together and come up with a plan. We'll chat!

      Craft Happy!

