
Thursday, December 4, 2014

Washi tape!  Oh, how I love washi tape!  It cutes up so much in my life!  I have a lot of it, which is good for you!  The prize for the giveaway is for fifteen (15) rolls of crafty, colorful and cute washi tape!  How could I not love it?  It epitomizes Domesticraft.

I have made a little "mascot" character graphic named Mr. Threadhead, (he holds the giveaway sign in the giveaway graphic and the little DIY graphic on the sidebar over to the right.  See him?  Well, I think he should have a friend named Mr. Washi T. Ape  Hahahah, I just made that up. ;)  Yeah,  I know . . . work on it.
washi tape washi tape washi tap washi tape washi tape washi tape washi tape washi tape washi tape

Here are some photos of the prized washi tape rolls and some other assorted washi tape projects I whipped out in a minute or two.   Enjoy!
This is the adapter for my smart phone.  It's even smarter with polka dots, don't you agree?

This is my washi tape supply when I was at my Sister's house last month.  (Hi, Carol!  Miss you!)  I brought most of what you see here.  I think I bought 2 rolls there while I was there!  You will note I also have rolls of burlap, lace, florist's tape and gold wire for many a cute project.

Prize washi tapes and a mini pile of bunting that is included! (not all washi tape rolls pictured)

Another pretty shot!

The leaning tower of washi.  Yes, you get the little banner too!

On your mark, get set, ROLL!

Roll on with your bad self!

Here are the washi rolls, all "propped" up!  Props are NOT included! Duh! ;)

My favorite red glasses.  $6.95 at  Totally recommend them. :)

Don't you love the CHOOSE HAPPINESS one?

I super love the tape "measure" roll too!  It's actually accurate!

See this?  It says VALLEY OF THE GIANTS.  Guess how I did that?

I taped the words, burnished them with my Martha Stewart bone folder and then pulled it up!  Woot!  The words came up too!

This is the vintage book I used.  It has a copyright date of 1918.  This is a hint of what part of the next prize is on 12-14  Sunday!

That's it for this post!  Can you believe it's so short?  Washi tape posts have to be done in little spurts for me or I would be here for the rest of my crafty career writing washi tape stuff.  That's how much I love it!  Which wouldn't really be a punishment, but there is so much more to craft, right?

In the comments, let me know what you would like to try to do with washi tape?  I would love to hear your ideas!  Sharing is caring! :)

Craft Happy!

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